Masterminding To Help Students

These days what’s the most well-known obstacle among the students is that they get a lot distracted as they are unable to focus on a subject. This distraction is just a very bad evil which is the biggest obstacle in not only studies but also in all other kinds of stuff that every person wants to achieve.
And most of the time the most common cause for this distraction is the mobile phone that we do use. And this time of pandemic where the entire school and classes are just inside this electronic equipment it is just unavoidable. So to overcome this I have invented something which helps to overcome this major problem. THE STUDENT ACADEMIC DOCENT.

Student Academic Docent: It means a device that will guide the students in their studies. It will be a type of mobile which will help students in their all academic purposes.
It will be a device that contains such a mobile operating system that will have the only study-related materials. It will also have a system that no other applications files folder can be added other than study-related. It will have a system that the guardians will receive monthly, weakly reports of the student’s activity. This will be a very beneficial production during this pandemic situation of the coronavirus.
Why do this? I have decided to invent this idea because nowadays lots of students are facing the problem of distraction will studying due to the unnecessary notification poping tune, also while searching one particular thing the student get distracted to other unnecessary topics and applications such as social media, games, etc this will help students a lot from not being distracted and can continue their studies smoothly. This will help students to perform well in their studies as they will focus on their subjects without diversion.

Staying focused in the study not only develops student’s marks in their academic but also this habit of paying attention to a particular thing helps the student in the future and also in various other activities.
The benefits of being focused are numerous like it builds momentum, increases productivity, produces better work quality and the main problem nowadays most of the persons are facing is stress, yes staying focused in work also reduces a lot of stress.